Thursday, December 01, 2005

The most interesting article this week was an editorial from the Los Angeles Times called "When Giving Really Counts." On November 27, The Times noted that American generosity has been high and consistent and that even though people dug deep to help victims of the Tsunamis and Hurricane Katrina, Americans still met the usual mark for other charities as well. The Times noted that although Americans have given generously, now is not the time to stop as the holidays approach. The editorial successfully praises American's charity and encourages them to not give in to giving fatigue. The editorial gives deserved credit to Americans and shines a light toward future giving. The editorial is encouraging, hopeful, and well done. "knowing that there is true hunger and want in their midst, most Americans who have given and given will surely open up and give again," said the Times.


Blogger Ry said...

I was looking for your new blog and found this, had no idea you had an old blog. I like your writing style, it's even better now.

12:37 AM  

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