Wednesday, October 05, 2005

In "Catholics, Gays and Mixed Signals" Michael McGough investigates the recent contradictory language of the Catholic Church in terms of homosexuality. According to the commentary, in previous writing, the Catholic Church linked homosexuality to birth or early years of development. However, more recent language stated that homosexuality can be treated with intense therapy to help achieve "Christian perfection." Also, the Catholic churh has implied a connection between homosexuality and pedophilia, almost creating a scape-goat for the scandal of recent years. The position of the church implies a possibility of banning homosexuals from priesthood, even if they remain completely celebate. McGough provides countless examples of the contradictory language and seems to have done extensive research. He acknowledges the difficulty of grasping the exact position of the Catholic Church as well as the exceptions in the conservative beliefs. McGough also recognizes that although writing has implied that the church is considering a ban, such a discrimination would be "un-Christian." He demonstrates a lot of journalistic responsability by showing both sides of the issue. He also clarifies that "perhaps the pedophilia scandal was about pedophilia," reminding readers to be fair and not to generalize. McGough tackles the contraversial issue with tact, grace, and fairness.,0,7150751.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions


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