Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The best story of the week was about Jabbor Gibson who stole a school bus in New Orleans and rescued about 100 complete strangers throughout the 7 hour journey to Houston. I first heard about this story on Fox News when they interviewed the humble Gibson hours after his arrival in Houston. I later read about the controversy over Gibson's actions on blog sites such as The Daily Kos (http://dailykos.com/story/2005/9/2/19856/62219) where people debated whether he was a criminal or a hero (or both?) Another blog site, The Free Republic (http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1476351/posts) included an article that called this incident an "extreme act of looting" and saying that the people on the bus were not exactly welcome in the Astro Dome. Most of the responce was praising Gibson and his bravery. Interestingly, Gibson was charged with stealing a car right before the hurricane, giving a hopeful, human perspective on those who break the law.
I liked the way Fox News reported the story, actually bringing Gibson in to speak for himself. I was also very impressed at how vocal people were online over just a few comments made by one publication. The response and demand for fairness gives me hope that people still hold a high standard for their news sources.


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