"The Right Cure for Box-Office Blues," a commentary by Brian C. Anderson addressed the struggle of the movie industry and the slight lean toward more traditional, "right" wing movies. Anderson used the examples of Lord of the Rings, The Incredibles, Passion of the Christ and Spider Man 2 to represent movies that are more "culturally and morally conservative" because of their lessons about heroism and values. These movies have been the rare box-office successes in the last few years, suggesting that in order for a movie to be successful, it must be more conservative. Anderson's commentary is extremely insightful due to the traditional notion that Hollywood is largely liberal and will remain so. There is a possibility, according to Anderson that movies will start to represent more conservative values and will therefore become more profitable for the movie industry. The article is just in time for the big holiday movie season, making Anderson's predictions all the more brave because they are about to be tested. The emergence of conservative Hollywood is also a topic that is a stray from the LA Times' usual perspective. The positive spin on a conservative move is very respectable for the publication, and for Anderson.